Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Touched by Atlas



Prompt: Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a character from myth or legend, as in  Claire Scott’s poem “Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office.”

                                                                   P.C: Google

A dream is about to come true

As I soar high

Touching the skies

Flying towards westward.


With  strength and resilience

In those years of timeless desires

To feel the essence of green shores.

Now, ages later, 

The eyes are sparkling

With deep eagerness

To  touch the shoulders

To bear the burden and  breathe 

Across the blue seas and oceans

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

Monday, April 29, 2024




Prompt: A list of ten words by Taylor Swift...we’d like to challenge you to select one of these words and write a poem that uses the word as its title.

                                                                       P.C: Sunita

Moodswings is a new skin. 
The 50s adds to the timeline as
Every ounce of the mind and body goes through a
Rigorous torture of murderous flushes. 
Thunderous rage screams in isolation. There is a deep
Urge to stay away from people and noises.
You feel like you are stuck between two tracks
Wavering, wandering at the changes. Unfocused!
Restlessness you wear like a cloak. 
Dry skin, creaking joints, sleepless nights
There is no meaning when the hair sprouts from
Where it is least wanted and 
Falls off where it is most wanted.
A huge question ponders... What is your gender?
It is not easy to express oneself to the better half
The prism sees one more tantrum to seek attention
Life hangs on a biological clock 
As the body oscillates between hormonal zones.

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

Sunday, April 28, 2024




Prompt: To try your hand at writing a sijo. This is a traditional Korean verse form. A sijo has three lines of 14-16 syllables. 

                                                                        Pic Credit: Sunita

The temperatures have hit above 45degree Celsius;

Hot winds blow across the empty spaces.

A cool breeze caresses the body,

The air-conditioner is in full swing.

Peeping at the cooing outside the window,

A pair of thirsty pigeons meets the eye.

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Springtime in Madison



Prompt: To write an American Sonnet.

                                                                      P.C: Sneha

When spring touches,

On the grounds of her  campus,

She WhatsApp me, not words, but.

Photos of blooming, fragrant carpet of flowers.

The warm colors fill my soul with blissful pleasures

I close my eyes and feel their fragrance in faraway shores

I send a silent prayer and blessings

For her safety and good tidings.

The heart beats with pride,

For what she is out to achieve,

Many seasons ago, she set out on a journey

Circumnavigating oceans to fulfill her dreams: many.

She wears many hats and makes pathways among the giants

We share a bond that suffixes love and sometimes we are at loggerheads.

                                                                        P.C: Sneha

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

Hot and Sweaty!



                                                                 Pic credit: Sunita Prasad

The summers were never so warmer

The stink in the wind gets under the skin

A hot burner melts on the sticky hair

The crazy sun churns and burns

As a salty pool of charred wool gathers.

The eyes water and become red like a witch

I wish I could just go to the beach

Take a dip, wash away the heat along with the waves

Feel the sliding water soothing my aggressive nerves.

Participating in: Napowrimo-2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Truth Prevails



Prompt: To write a poem based on " Proust_Questionnaire   "

                                                                   Photograph by Sunita

To be one with nature

Not to be there when someone is in danger

Conflicts are not my cup of tea

Betrayal cuts me into two

The apple didn't fall far away from the tree

Waking up, after the sun has moved across the horizon

Racing against menopausal blues

Relationships are faceless

When the piece of cake in the fridge winks at midnight

The mirror never  lies

Filibuster gives me piles

Honesty thy name 

Simplicity is the best attire

Literally, too many

My wagtails rule my heart

In the pigtail days

To play with colors

To have parents who cared

Facing every adversity with a smile

A rebirth of self

Where the heart is at peace

An old watch

Lying, witch

To teach, to share 

Honesty is a dare

Acceptance, I swear

The Bard leads, Hardy behind, and Marlowe follows.

Henchard, my friend, life is not easy guilt-ridden

The Fakir who inspired the world

Presently, searching for a needle in a haystack my lord!

Affection, a piece of my flesh

Procrastination, but, a blind follower

Couldn't say goodbye before he crossed over

Quietly in sleep, without any burden

Don't harm anybody, be sensible.

Participating in : NAPOWRIMO-2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Where The Mind Is Without Fear



Prompt: to write a poem that begins with a line from another poem (not necessarily the first one), but then goes elsewhere with it. This will work best if you start with a line of poetry you remember, but without looking up the whole original poem. The idea is for the original to furnish the backdrop for your work without influencing you so much that you feel as if you are just rewriting the original! 

                                                              P.C: Google

Where the mind is without fear

Nothing can stop us from finding our star 

This world belongs to all of us

There is space for every being

However small or big 

Finding happiness 

In the smallest things

To find the heart

To feed a hungry beggar

Showing kindness towards others

Who are less fortunate

Being kind to the voiceless ones

Sharing a piece of our life with them

Finding Happiness

In the first ray of the sun

To feel alive and to exist

In the light of a moonbeam

To smell the fragrance of a jasmine

In the smile of a child

When pain touches us unseen

In the whisp of a cool breeze

In the fragrance of a petrichor

Under the shade of a huge tree

On a hot summer afternoon

So many wonderful magical moments

If we look around to make life more content

Where the mind is without fear

Nothing can stop us from finding our star.

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

My Super Hero!



Prompt: To write about a superhero.

Painting by Sunita

I don't have enough words
To describe you
I only know that I have
Only one superhero
And that is you.

Decades have passed
You have crossed you
I couldn't find
Anybody as perfect as you.
Your gentle nature
Your kindness toward others
Your insatiable ability 
To learn, unlearn, and learn
To accept every adversity
With a smile
Such great qualities
You were endowed.

My superhero! 
From you, I was born
You chiseled me in your mold
Everything that breathes and exists
In my world
It is a blessing from you
I am trying to follow
The best of whatever you were.

If I could be born again
I would like to be born
As your daughter again.

Participating in : NaPoWriMo-2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

Cricket Maniac



Prompt: To write a poem where two unlikely things have a fight. For me, T20 and TEST MATCH are two different things :D

                                                                      P.C: Google

"T20..hmmm, aah,

What a waste of talent!"

Said the Test match.

Wasting overs

In search of pennies.

The bowlers and batsmen

In colorful attires

Looking like clowns in the gutter!

Rushing adrenaline and nothing more!

Going merry go around with the highest bidders.

International players hogging the limelight

Playing for other nations. What a shame!

For the sake of brownie points.

Whatnot you are embroiled!

Drugs, match-fixing, late-night parties, and an egoistic show!

Wasted a gentlemen's game, you imbecile!!!

                                                                       P.C: Google

Hah! Scoffs  T20

"What do you know about talent?"

You just strutter and preen over

On the grassy mound in your whites!

Five days wasted

Just playing defense

And not scoring any runs.

Scorching in the hot sun

With hardly any spectators

To appreciate your lazy players!

Scrubbing the ball over balls!!!

 Look at me! I save time and money

My aficionados earn millions 

Showing their power with a bat and a ball!

They gain fans across the word

And not stuck in their archaic hegemony!

In the 21st century

Time is money!

So, accept your fate Mr. Test Match

You are not welcome in our new world!

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Blue! The Lifeline



Prompt: Write a poem that repeats or focuses on a single color.

                                                                       Pic credit: Sunita

Blue, like life

Cruises in my heart and soul

It caresses my senses 

Through the racing seasons.

In childhood it inked and

Danced on the sprinkled uniforms.

My wardrobe filled with sarees is dotted 

With varied blue shades.

The mundanest of the things

Are filled with splashes of blue.

Blue, like the ocean

Touches my stormy emotions

I breathe the waves on the sandy dunes

The blue sky brings serenity

A whispering silence wraps, in

A flagship of stability.

I look around to find peace

In the wisdom of the smallest  things

As I stroll in the garden

The smiling blue  peas greet my senses

The blue wildflowers, the bluebirds perched on the trees,

The bluest of sun-kissed skies

Fill my life with wonder in enchanting moments.

Peace and serenity touch my life 

Wrapped in the most beautiful blue shades.



Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Mahatma



Prompt: To write a poem that recounts a historical movement.

                                                                      Image: Google

He didn't know what lay ahead

As he boarded the train 

In South Africa

He was a gentleman

Who was on a mission

His clients were waiting

To find justice in the reign of racism

His voice mattered the most

He was an erudite Barrister

He sat in the  coach of the train

Waiting to get to his destination

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door

Two uniformed policemen

Questioned him and asked for his credentials

He showed them like any gentleman would do

The Inner Temple graduate didn't impress their skin

What mattered the most was his color

They caught hold of his collar

And dragged him through the compartment

And threw him out on the platform.

That was the turning point in his life...

This man couldn't digest that insult

He took an oath to show these people

That colored people are also human beings

He was clear now... He sat out to show these racists

Anything is possible if one is truthful to oneself

His single-minded resolution 

To bring the racist empire to its knees

Culminated into many historical events

And paved the path to free a nation

From two hundred years of suppression.

He used two weapons to fight against the aggressors

Truth and Non-violence

The mantra that gave freedom to a nation.

His ideals were so powerful 

It inspired many great leaders

Such as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and others

To find their voices to fight against apartheid 

And to voice their belief in human rights.

"My Experiments with Truth" is a bible for many.

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

NaPoWriMo-2024 Day-30 Prompt:  Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a ...