Friday, October 10, 2014

Hunger Pangs

With a piercing ache through his bones, he walked tall among the mortals. The hungry mouths waiting at home goaded him to sustain the pain and let him dance to the tune of destiny. His attire became his shield, to hide those pools behind that mascara. Tomorrow might never be the same, as fate cheats.


  1. The facade a entertainer wears to cheer everyone around shielding his pain. Beautifully penned Sunita :)

  2. This was heart-wrenching, Uma. But so true. How many of us can afford to rest easy at home because of the sole breadwinner? So much to be grateful for. Enjoyed this take.

  3. Replies
    1. It is! A lost art staying alive on empty stomachs!

  4. Very touching. Pain behind the mask captured vividly. Good one!

  5. Oh man! That makes me kind of sad and impressed all at the same time.


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