Saturday, July 24, 2021

Life Goes By

 The Sunday Muse 

                                                            prompt image by Shay,

With stories of the happy princes and princesses

A childhood stagnated  on a canvas of seamless fairy tales

There were moments when holding tightly to a little friend 

Those tales belonged to another world.

Deep rooted fears erupted within those four walls

Waiting and trying to make some sense of the chaos

The loud noises, and the screaming voices

Shook the vulnerable heart, clutching on unshed tears.

There were days when inanimate expressions

Erased the lines of aching fear and broken dreams

How wonderful it was to have and hold

Someone who would listen, sooth and heal without uttering a word!

If one could have that same sense of security

In the waning evenings of a lifeless reality!

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Being Alive



I feel

Deep inside

As my being

Awakens with wants

Cruising in molten flames

All the scars are victories

Stamped, marked and flagged umpteen times

Let me breathe in the taste of freedom.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, July 10, 2021


 The Sunday Muse

                                                        Photograph by artist: Jasper James


archaic wisdom 

groans under the debris of

the concrete jungle.      

twisted steel and glass

burns the skin of sweat and tears

capitalists rule.

the silent mother

chained and choked with smog and greed

birthed heartless hoarders.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, July 3, 2021


 The Sunday Muse


moving and moaning

desires dressed in solitude

breathe in silent storms.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

NaPoWriMo-2024 Day-30 Prompt:  Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a ...