Saturday, August 7, 2021

In Wait

 The Sunday Muse

Those floods,

Bring weeping sorrow 

Like a curse crawling

On protruding skin.

Meandering through the valleys

The river roars and sweeps

The length of the plains

With might, beyond one's control

It swallows the broken hearths and hearts

Leaving an emptiness in its path

There is only a flowing, serpentine canvas

Reeling through the muddy debris

Miles and miles of  mirrored reflection

Everything moves, except life

Where is the home where once,

The loved ones  laughed and the birds chirped?

Participating in : The Sunday Muse


  1. No telling sometimes, where our old cherished spaces have gone. :-(

  2. Whoever said "You can't go home again" spoke truth, and we are left to wonder "where is the home" as you describe so well.

  3. Yes those floods can take so much. I know this first hand. A poignant and beautiful poem Sunita!

    1. They can cause such havoc that one is left numb at the loss. Thank you Carrie for he appreciation :)

  4. You have painted a vivid image of that devastation ~~ with words.

  5. I can feel the flow of water, disappearing homes and hearths. I love "where is the home where once the loved ones laughed and the birds chirped?" Beautiful. Rain as sorrow. I can feel it.

    1. Such power in the force of nature that everything in its path gets destroyed. Seen it firsthand. Thank you, Sherry :)

  6. Sunita, reading this poem makes me think you've lived through a major flood. I hope this isn't current events. Powerful imagery. This says so much: "Everything moves, except life"

    1. Lisa, I personally haven't faced, but, yes have seen the destruction caused by river Godavari during the monsoons.

  7. Oh, this catches me up and calls up images of post-flood neighborhoods and the way flood waters terrify.

    1. Chrissa, yes, nobody can predict the power of water during those floods.

  8. Devastation and destruction so well expressed. I particularly admire these lines :

    'Bring weeping sorrow

    Like a curse crawling

    On protruding skin.'

  9. After the flood things will change and the home will never be the same. We had 33 inches of water in our home and had to abandon through a high off the ground window. The others were open gates to letting more water in.
    BTW, you are the first writer here that has addressed the flood. I have not come to the end of the list yet though. You did very well with it, I avoided it.

    1. I am sorry if this poem caused you any pain Jim. I just penne something which we face every year due to the spat in the river. It is during these natural calamities that man understands the power of nature. Than you for the read, Jim.


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