Sunday, December 19, 2021


The Sunday Muse # 191

Fearful, doubtful 

Through and through

An outcast.

Skin permeates 

In deep oceans

As a pariah out on a prowl.

People are objects

Detested and tested

In tiny cells of curtains.

How ugly can one become

Within the chains of closed doors.

A  catastrophe dances

 Inside and outside

Isn't that how it has been

for the past few years?

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Sunday, December 12, 2021


 A short life

Timed and cursed 

Carries the debts of needs.

Shivering existence 

Wails in winters

Searching warmth 

In invisible arms.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Voice

 The Sunday Muse #189

You feel like December, my friend
Cool, cozy, warm, and woozy
You smell of pines and woods
And long-forgotten fairy tales.

You are the wanderer of the dark forces
For me, a boon from the ancient voices
You understand the silent pleas 
And the danger of lurking fears.

We know how far we have come
From the wild ways to  a comfort zone
In this cacophonous world
It gets lonely and dangerous even for a child.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Sunday, November 28, 2021


The Sunday Muse #188


a moment to self

closed within the subconscious

silent communion

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Real World

 The Sunday Muse #187

A dark shadow breathes,

In the empty spaces

The rusted mind moves in circular motion

Chasing truth in bits and pieces.

Reality is just a lie!.

There are those wandering hours 

Enveloped in  darkness

Into the unknown world,

A world filled with illusions

Spiralling in a  hallucinating blackhole.

People are just an existence!

The eyes only meet

Shapeless entrances and entities 

Conversation within the empty walls

Echoes in silent resonance.

No key can open these shadowless doors!

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

(Dementia- when a dear one goes through this phase, you are left with  a helpless feeling)

Saturday, November 13, 2021



The Sunday Muse #186


 a  natural disaster

cannot be controlled or contained


the passions of self-love.


windows to the soul

can play games

if one is not careful.


what we see and feel

short and sharp

bits of universes

lodged in the distorted psyche!

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Too Broken to Heal

 The Sunday Muse #185 

Those invisible boundaries
Relations bonded by blood
Flow in unseen maps
Sometimes pulling
In different directions: period.
How to mend the broken bonds?
 The bitterness sustain
They say blood is thicker than water!
 No road to those forced fences
The heart bleeds and aches
Longing to feel the good old times.

Relationships are glassed
Masked and glued
In grains of sand
Too porous, too fragile
Ephemeral indeed!

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Shifting Time


The Sunday Muse #184

A shimmering 

Slice of hope

We pray for 

In the tempest 

Called life.

Just a flickering 

And every worry 

Gets uncluttered.

What a powerful 

Source of inspiration !

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Invincible

 Fear walks noiselessly 

Among the milieu 

How the mind works

Only the one who

Tastes fear knows.

There are many

Silent warriors 

Who beat fear

Just to prove

Nothing last long.

Either you accept life

Is just sand passing 

Through the fingers

Or let time frame

The path of destiny.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


 The Sunday Muse #182

The  shades ,

Tinged with

Many greys are 

Carved in the psyche 

Inked in darkness 

And a bit of righteousness 

A  pandemic 

Shuttles inbetween them 

Harvesting thoughts 

Deeped in ivy blue.

The shades,

Are capable of

Pushing over the cliff

In phases,

Sometimes they

Rain rainbows

To balance the moods.

Saturday, October 9, 2021


 The Sunday Muse #181

Many times

Life gets pawned 

In those unseen 

Vulnerable moments.

It is never perfect

Sudden  deadend

Crinkle the spirit

And the decisions 

Pave the path to 

Undeniable consequences. 

How can one deny

And not accept 

The unpredictable choices?


Saturday, October 2, 2021

A Feel of Autumn

 Day-1 OctPoWriMo-2021

                                                                   my village

The shores 

On the other side of the mountains

Echoes in my dreams

A burst of nostalgia 

Swirls on a rainbow

A dreamland of my childhood

Beacon of lullabies and memories

Strings on the heart and sing

I wish to fly over those verdant vales

And feel my soul set free.


 The Sunday Muse #180

mystical vision

windows of deep illusion

narcissism thy name.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, September 25, 2021

A Lone Sentinel

 The Sunday Muse #179

How you store memories within the walls of

Brick and mortar?

How come sepia shaded shadows bring images of a dancing past

A happy childhood and echoes of laughter?

The magic word is...nostalgia!

So many floating memories 

Lurks in invisible shapes

In every nook and corner.

Wants, desires, trust and beliefs

Carefree childhood, bubbling lives

A peal of birth, a cry of death

Everything amalgamated 

In the fires of existence.

Once, seasons of  warmth and experiences

Trudged through the whispering boughs

Now, there are silent wails

As the birds encroach the space

Where once emotional bonds survived.

Autumn not only breathes in the hearts of a past

It even touches the soul of a bricked wall.

    Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, September 18, 2021



The Sunday Muse: #178

Softly thudding hours
move on tight wires
each hour a painful step
holding life at a standstill

 fear grips 
at every waking moment
will there be a tomorrow
or  silent hands in flight

the precipice
in sight and thoughts
resonates silently
to be or not to be

how easy it would be
to take the leap
and end this restlessness
in one silent moment of faith.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Every Breathe Counts

     The Sunday Muse#177

Walking on a tight rope

A generation moved on

Learning and unlearning

An array of experiences.

There were times

When the skin felt alive

Hooked on a string

Like counting hours.

Now, a twist felt

Not only in bones

But also in every breathe

As one strings the

Shades of salt and pepper.

Still, there is joy

Flowing in the veins

With a slight wobble here

And a deep whisper there

Stands strong, a diehard believer

On unsteady hands.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, September 4, 2021

A Long Journey

 The Sunday Muse #176

Thirty six years have passed

When I crossed those

Verdant mountains

From one coast to another.

Winding through those highways

Many serpentine images flash

Peppered with spurted breakdowns,

Sprinkled with some sweet and sour moments,

Many happy memories, and lots of water under the bridge.

A lifetime of nostalgia wrapped deep in the heart.

Once in a while I rummage through those pages

To find myself, remembering a young spirited 

Innocent and vulnerable me.

Time has left many scars on the way

But, life has been  kind

All the battle marks are intact

Guiding me through the waning seasons

I smile and heal in the blushing sunset.

Participating in: The Sunday Muse

Saturday, August 28, 2021

We Heal Each Other

 The Sunday Muse  

                                                       Image suggested by Susie Clevenge

pods of gliding life

sliced by time, pain and distance

meet at the crossroads.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Thirstily Sober

 The Sunday Muse....gosh what a wonderful prompt! Love that kitty!  :D And god knows what I penned looking at the pic...Poor meow ...So lost!

Hic! Hic! Hic!

I just  want  a sip

Last night was very wild

My tummy is aching

Maybe the rat I ate

Still crawling!

Hic! Hic! Hic!

I miss my buddy

Who was wandering in the alley

He chased and chased and was chased

By a car on the other side of the street.

Can I have a sip

In his memory?

Hic! Hic! Hic!

She was unfaithful

And left me for a fool

He was too furry

Looks can be deceptive

I am heartbroken

Just a sip

To ease the pain!

Hic! Hic! Hic!

A heavy heart

And an aching tummy

Makes me very unsteady

Shouldn't I drown myself

In a glass of sherry?

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Song to my Beloved

The Sunday Muse

                                         "Self Portrait with Accordion" artist Guido Vedovato

How lonely it gets

In these lush mountains

Missing the muse of my heart...

Singing paeans to your memories

Brings flashes of happy times

The sweetly fragrant , unruly tresses

The endearing wrinkles and laughter lines

The lusciously tempting  being of yours

Enveloped in the halo of sunshine.

How lonely it gets

In these lush mountains

Missing the muse of my heart...

The haunting folk songs

You crooned in your mellifluous voice

The swirl and twirl of your skirts

And the naughty twinkle in your eyes

You breathed such freshness in my life.

How lonely it gets

In these lush mountains

Missing the muse of my heart...

The emptiness 

On the other half of the bed

Pierces during the night

I take solace in the mountains

In the company of a faithful soul

To calm my aching heart

My eyes flows, as my fingers

Move on the lingering strings.

I am waiting with a broken heart

To meet my other half on the other side.

How lonely it gets

In these lush mountains

Missing the muse of my heart...

(To be honest, didn't know what to write the moment  the prompt popped up. As it is a self portrait by the painter I thought let me write something he must be feeling  remembering his beloved ,while playing that musical instrument.)

 Participating in :   The Sunday Muse

Saturday, August 7, 2021

In Wait

 The Sunday Muse

Those floods,

Bring weeping sorrow 

Like a curse crawling

On protruding skin.

Meandering through the valleys

The river roars and sweeps

The length of the plains

With might, beyond one's control

It swallows the broken hearths and hearts

Leaving an emptiness in its path

There is only a flowing, serpentine canvas

Reeling through the muddy debris

Miles and miles of  mirrored reflection

Everything moves, except life

Where is the home where once,

The loved ones  laughed and the birds chirped?

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Sunday, August 1, 2021


 The Sunday Muse

                                                            "Roots" 1943 by Frida Kahlo

      Why should  she bend to



In the whimsical world 

She knows, 

She is considered a weakling

To command, to dominate

But, don't forget,

Woman she is

She carries the universe in her womb

Nobody has right to take her for granted

 She makes her own rules and breathes them

To survive in the broken and biased world.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Life Goes By

 The Sunday Muse 

                                                            prompt image by Shay,

With stories of the happy princes and princesses

A childhood stagnated  on a canvas of seamless fairy tales

There were moments when holding tightly to a little friend 

Those tales belonged to another world.

Deep rooted fears erupted within those four walls

Waiting and trying to make some sense of the chaos

The loud noises, and the screaming voices

Shook the vulnerable heart, clutching on unshed tears.

There were days when inanimate expressions

Erased the lines of aching fear and broken dreams

How wonderful it was to have and hold

Someone who would listen, sooth and heal without uttering a word!

If one could have that same sense of security

In the waning evenings of a lifeless reality!

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Being Alive



I feel

Deep inside

As my being

Awakens with wants

Cruising in molten flames

All the scars are victories

Stamped, marked and flagged umpteen times

Let me breathe in the taste of freedom.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, July 10, 2021


 The Sunday Muse

                                                        Photograph by artist: Jasper James


archaic wisdom 

groans under the debris of

the concrete jungle.      

twisted steel and glass

burns the skin of sweat and tears

capitalists rule.

the silent mother

chained and choked with smog and greed

birthed heartless hoarders.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, July 3, 2021


 The Sunday Muse


moving and moaning

desires dressed in solitude

breathe in silent storms.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Monday, June 28, 2021

Movie Reviews-1


Managed to watch nearly 4 movies last one week.All on Amazon Prime.
I enjoy watching Malayalam movies, so caught up with "Joji" and "Nizhal".
"Joji" a remake of Macbeth. Brilliant performance by Fahadh Fazil. Imagine him losing so much of weight to fit in that role. He is one of my favorite actors.
"Nizhal" a thriller to the core.The climax was nail biting.
I am missing nature very much so ended up watching two feel good romantic movies. One is based in Ireland and the other in Italy.
"Wild Mountain Thyme"....what a lovely movie! The Irish landscape took my breathe away. Emily Blunt looks gorgeous in her rustic look. The title song left a sweet feeling of joy.
"All Roads Lead to Rome" this one took me by surprise. Ah that old woman who plays the mother of the hero, was a joy to watch. A heck of a lady. And the panorama of the beautiful vineyards left me in awe.
In between I caught up with a heartwrenching series "The Vineyards", went on a binge watch. This is such a classic. A must watch for all the diehard classic movies lover.
Oh I forgot! I even watched "Sherni". Vidya Balan is very realistic in her performance as a divisional forest officer.. It is based on the case of "Avni" the tigress.

Sunday, June 27, 2021


 The Sunday Muse

My brother, 

Why is that I suffer and you win?

I was born way before you,

I roamed and lived happily for thousand years

My carefree life became a burden

The day you evolved through the ribs

Your hunger to possess

Broke our mother layer by layer

You emptied her womb 

Leaving it dry and desperate

Why are you digging your own grave and mine?

What can stop you from these suicidal tendencies?

How much is enough to fulfill your greed?

Can you stop a minute, think and act wise?

We belong to the same mother

Whereas, I struggle to survive in the wild

You breathe artificial air in your air-conditioned hole

The Damocles sword is hanging, my brother!

The day is not far when you will face the same fate as mine...

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Sunday, June 20, 2021


 The Sunday Muse

a broken past chased

promises and mirages 

goodbyes never heal.

Participating in :The Sunday Muse

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Wheel of Destiny

 Sunday Muse

Swirling through sweet life

in a timeless speck of dust

there is a constant struggle.

Molding destinies

with uneven boundaries

hope hangs in between life and death.

The tears of existence

soak in the process of creation and destruction

challenging and daring to exist, to hope and to breathe.

Nothing can destroy

the ingenuity of one's strength

in the aging hands of  an experience.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Time to Understand Life

 Sunday Muse-163


Soft pedaling silence

moves on the tips of  fingers

joy dances on the strings.

The pain vanishes

in melodious tunes

life a parable.

Long forgotten times

yearningly swirl in the eyes

life in the crisis.

Healing through music

brings more joy without people

silence speaks louder.

Participating in : The Sunday Muse

Monday, May 31, 2021


 Day-31 May Musings


                                                                    image: google


 time took a huge leap

emotions wept silently

    deaf do not hear pain.     


Saturday, May 29, 2021


 Day-30 Sunday Muse


the skyline reflects

a world of contradictions

disguised emotions.

Participating in : Sunday Muse


 Day-29 May Musings




through spaces of deep desires

brave the human mind.

Friday, May 28, 2021


 Day-28 May Musings



fill the solitude

with colors of aching pain

the unspoken words.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Day-27 May Musings



words cannot share grief

a gorge is building inside

the mind in turmoil.

NaPoWriMo-2024 Day-30 Prompt:  Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a ...