Sunday, October 8, 2017

Some roads lead to happiness

Day-8 OctPoWriMo-2017 ( Prompt-What do you know and How do you know it )

How could I know

I would be musing along

On a path less taken

Weaving words

With life experiences.

Making dreams come true

Creating new avenues

Passing through crisis

Standing tall among wolves

Fighting battles 

Dealing with unknown woes

A journey full of rough ends

It was destined to be so.

At least by default

Life has been kind

With all its harshness

It did bring a balance

To sooth the soul

With little gifts

In the form of

Love, peace, and hope.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Cara. The pic is taken by my daughter. She is very fond of photography :)

  2. This is lovely, Sunita. A favorite:
    Weaving words
    With life experiences.

    Thank you. xoa


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