Sunday, January 30, 2022

We Belong

 The Sunday Muse #196

                                                                  Photography by Josephine

 What can we share together?

We are visitors on a vast sphere 

Breathing in fumes of distrust and disaster 

Shortly timed lives we live

You and me

In this claustrophobic 

Whorl of self-destruction 

Who is wise and who is foolish?

    Participating in : The Sunday Muse


  1. The questions I struggle with too.
    Magnificent interpretation of this photo.

  2. It is nice to have a companion in the midst of all the craziness.

  3. Sunita, I'd much rather share the pleasantries with others in the too-brief time we are in this world. Wise sentiments indeed.

  4. I like the question, "who is wise..."
    The same who answered, "who is innocent?"

  5. "We are visitors on a vast sphere" I love that line and the thoughts and truth this beautiful poem holds! Always glad to see you at the Muse Sunita!

  6. A lovely response to the image. I love these two lines especially:

    "We are visitors on a vast sphere

    Breathing in fumes of distrust and disaster"


  7. This is lovely, and deep, asking a question difficult to answer.


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