Friday, October 13, 2017

Chasing Images

 Day-12 OctPoWriMo-2017  (Prompt-Imagination Stands in the Road)

Image is taken from google.

Hiding among the  clouds, a ray of sunshine tempts
To write poetic praises, weaving flowery verses.
A line of  a musical note chases away the blues
To let imagination unearth the trapped muse.

Leaps through mountains and valleys 
Breathes beauty in the sun, moon, and the stars
Finds muse in the fragrant flowers, meadows, and seasons.

It  caresses nature, with magical odes
Creating a panorama, with epic words.


  1. Beautiful! Your poem is tempting me to write one now. :)

  2. Thank you Payal. Waiting for your masterpieces :)


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