Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Forecast

 Day-26 NaPoWriMo-2022

  Prompt: To write a poem in an epic simile.


The seasons are like making love

on wild meadows of erotic earth

a melting pot in the daylight and

flashes of thunder and lightening

in the twilight as an when the earth

starts fuming the fires like a dragon.

In the daybreak

the bees  prance around the blooms

sucking the nectar as if their life

hangs on a time machine.

The squirrels get busy

shuttling from one tree to another

wondering if the earth is ever

going to get cooler or hotter

or both in the blazing weather.

Very difficult to tell 

whether it is spring or summer

while the queen of spring

like a Houdini, sings

behind the curtain of greens.

Participating in : NaPoWriMo-2022


  1. Nita, I am liking this. It beckons one to stop and appreciate the Spring, mainly.
    I am parked just above you here, I was thinking about last year about this time when we met. I am glad we did meet.

    1. The feeling is mutual, Jim. Thank you for introducing me to the Sunday Muse. :)


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