Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Winning Line

 Day-18 NAPOWRIMO-2021

Prompt: To write a poem on one of the chapters from Susan Woodridge's "Poemcrazy: Freeing your life with words".

I am going off prompt today. My take is on the movie " THE GREAT INDIAN KITCHEN" which I watched last night on Amazon Prime. A hard hitting slap on patriarchy. It reminded me of my newly wedded days as a docile daughter-in-law.


Her fragile shoulders
carried the burden of starry dreams,
woven with silken threads, to bond, to build a nest,
she entered the hearth 
with  blind faith in her eyes.
She stood there
Reeling, in a new world,
 where the walls whispered, and the roof echoed as
a thunderous roar and a quizzical look
shattering  her fragile soul.

Seasons after seasons
the chill set in and she got transformed
from a happy maiden, to a wingless bird,
listening, obeying, following, believing
in the ordains and rituals.

Her caged existence
fluttered many times
to breathe, to feel, the fragrance of freedom.
Whenever she moved forward
they barricaded the walls. 

She became invisible
in the shadows of unsung dreams.
Her womb and her silent heart
bowed down  to the dormant, 
vicious cycle of demands .

As the decades moved ahead

her heart rebelled.

 The soothing voice of reasoning, opened the gates

 to hope, to new dreams and to break  

 the bonds of societal norms.

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