Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mountains and Oceans

Day-20 OctPoWriMo-2019
Prompt: Mountains and Oceans
Form: Haibun

                                                                        aerial view of my village

I sit on the shores of the mighty sea remembering those heartwarming feels just like yesterday surrounded by the crystal waters on one side and the beautiful verdant mountains on the other side, childhood danced in those mountains. The tall trees, some fruit bearings, and some others, our silent companions. My friends and I playing hide and seek under their huge canopy. Sitting under the trees and dreaming about the future. Gathering wild berries and dancing with the wind while munching them. In between getting disturbed by a chirp of a beautiful hornbill. Sometimes coming across an anthill. There are those little animals scurrying among the leaves and us curious ones trying to find their origin. Maybe some of my footprints resonate in those mountains. The sea gurgles with memories and I see my father fishing at the bay. Little children throwing stones in the waters and see the ripples carrying messages to the distant shores. The tiny boats far away shining in the shadow of a rainbow. A lingering sigh escapes when I remember those sepia shaded memories.

across the rainbow
crystalline mirror reflects
a twilight childhood

Participating in:OctPoWriMo-2019


  1. Replies
    1. Those memories are what makes life worth living. Thank you, Jane :)

  2. Love the mix of memory and images in this poem.

    1. Those images visit in solitude. Thank you very much. Odhran :)


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