Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Emotions and Nations

Day-13 OctPoWriMo-2015

We are humans
We have emotions
Emotions in abundance
Emotions cutting cultures
Cultures interwoven
Cultures breaking borders
Borders meshed to kill
Borders breaking hearts
Hearts jinxed in wars
Hearts shattered in pieces
Pieces of humanity
Pieces strewn on the sea shore
Shore painted in red and blue
Shore a canvas of lost innocence
Innocence suffers
Innocence washed in water
Water turned into graves
Water joins the forces
Forces of empathy
Forces of human kindness
Kindness is a virtue
Kindness brings hope
Hope for the dying
Hope for a bright future
Future of our children
Future for peace
Peace is a tool
Peace brings happiness
Happiness is what we wish
Happiness is a shadow
Shadow which stretches
Shadow which segregates
Segregates continents
Segregates one another
Another nation
Another color
Color of commotion
Color of religion
Religion rules
Religion is terror
Terror guards the soul
Terror showcase weapons
Weapons kill children
Weapons divide nations
Nations filled with dreamers
Nations hoping for peace

Literally choked while writing this one. If only we could live in peace. Participating in ....  #OctPoWriMo


  1. Lovely and moving write ... thanks for sharing this! Bastet

  2. I'm not surprised you choked over the writing of this poem. It is all to true - there is not enough peace and kindness is rarer than it should be. It is so distressing these days just to watch the tv news.

    1. I agree with your point of view Viv..Hope our children get to see a better future.

  3. Great write, it is how the world is today.

  4. shadow stretches,
    dreams and love linger too,

    very vivid imagery.

  5. Wow, wow and wow! Words that need to be written over and over!

    1. Carol....thank you very much for such an elated comment :)

  6. This picture has been haunting since the day it was first seen.. choked going thru the pain in your write.. yes Religion is indeed a terror.. wish and hope humanity survives.

    1. Why the innocent children have to suffer because some adults doesn't get along with each other? I agree your words come true Dee.


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