Monday, October 12, 2015

Unbridled Yearnings

DAY-12 OctPoWriMo-2015

Allow me
Beloved, the song of my love
Churning in my heart
Devoured of your love
Enduring the pain
Forced by the distanced
Gorges of time.
How can I live?
In this way
Jesting fake tears
Knowing that
Loving you,
Missing you
Never was easy.
Over the horizon
Precipitated oceans
Quantifying aches
Summers of passion
Torturing the heart
Under the moonlit night.
Verdant ghosts
Wailed along with my sighs, letting
Xenophobic shadows
Yearning poignantly 
Zigzag through my wildest thoughts.

 Omg...I managed to write a poem with A to Z theme :D. A first time for me...hope it makes sense to the prolific poets participating in this challenge ;)

Participating in ... OctPoWriMo


  1. sweet one.. Congratulations for writing this piece.. (Y) A-Z 26 lines.. it was fun to write this way though ..

  2. This is amazing! Simply adore the title of the poem :-)

  3. Written with such feel. Loved the title! :)


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