Monday, October 5, 2015

Inflamed Hearts

 DAY-5 OctPoWriMo- 2015

image from google.

My sand soaked toes
Touched yours
Sending million nerves
Electrifying the uneven depths.

I remember when we first met
Walking on the same beach
Holding hands, as if life was at risk
You, tenderly touching the tresses
And blowing soft kisses,
Making my virgin heart
Skip a number of beats
As love left its imprints.

Now, with entwined fingers
We walk toward the sunset
Breathing the fragrant winds
Echoing an age old language

With salt and pepper going astray
And bodies arching sideways
We make a melody of lost times
Knowing, these borrowed breathes 
Won’t last long, in our inflamed hearts,.

 Participating in..


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