Friday, October 12, 2018

Silent Torture (Senryu)

Day-12 OctPoWriMo-2018
Prompt: Torture (Form: Senryu)

 Her small universe

filled with tormenting silence

Echoes his comfort ...

The constant heartache

You know what I am talking

Active silence kills...


  1. "The constant heartache
    You know what I am talking
    Active silence kills..."

    All of this. So much power and strength in these three lines. You don't need a dense poem to feel the pain inherent in each word. Fantastic word choice. Your first stanza is wonderful but this second one is like a hammer blow on point, echoing how sometimes pain feels like it just keeps hitting you. I love this one, Sunita. Wondeful job!

    1. Thank you very much Jesi. Really humbled by your appreciation.I was worried, would I be able to justice to this beautiful Japanese form.

      First time I am attempting this form. I wrote three and posted two.So, checked again and uploaded the 3rd one and deleted old post. Thank you once again. :)

  2. What Jesi says! I fully agree and couldn't say it any better.

  3. Replies
    1. Esther, good to see you again. Pain cannot be elaborated,it has its moments. Thank you for the encouragement :)


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