Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Awaken (Florette)

Day 3 - OctPoWriMo 2018
Prompt : Insecurity (Florette)

Image: Sunita

Maybe there was something knowing
In the deepest core beckoning,
Much she tries to stop the forces
Fate hopelessly braces as the heart is willing.

There is no chance of turning back,
When the arrows of love attack.
Hope will take care of what one needs,
Knowing those unknown pitfalls can lead to heartbreak.

When in doubt she would take that dare
Overcome hurdles without fear
Life is short, let the heart embrace
Emotions will sing and dance when love is secure.

Participating in http://www.octpowrimo.com/2018/10/day-3-insecurity.html


  1. Unfortunately the "loves" of my life turned out to be misplaced affection with terrible people. I'd best stick to my arts and crafts!
    Such a fine photo to go with your poem as well. :-)

    1. One cannot predict life.Nothing can last ever. So hold on to the happy memories :) Thank you very much Cara, for being part of this journey :)

  2. Ah .. When the arrows of love attack.. Indeed, we must surrender to the feeling in order to move forward and hope that everything does turn out alright.

    1. We can only hope for the good tidings. Thank you Namratha :)

  3. I enjoyed "Hope will take care of what one needs." Nice light rhythm.

    1. Yes, managed to pull it through.Thank you Maria :)

  4. Replies
    1. Hehehehe...of course, You know how much I LOVE life :)


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