Monday, October 15, 2018

If I were an UMBRELLA (An Acrostic)

Day-15 OctPoWriMo-2018
Prompt: If I were an umbrella

If I were an umbrella I would turn back the clock

Feel those happy days and rock

wish things were different

We both would have lived a life happy and content

Essence of love  was felt when you were present

Reaching out for you when I feel sad and feel your blessings from heaven

Earnestly wishing maybe in next birth we would get even

As time moves at its pace, I remember all the happy days

Naughty, prancing, inquisitive me and your kind and warm hugs

Under your protective gaze, in your tender arms

My childhood bloomed, with hopeful dreams in my eyes 

But, I was too young to understand the ways of the world when you left without a goodbye

Recharging  myself from the loss, amending to the changing moods took a lot of time

Every day the emptiness within me is a painful reminder that life is truly sublime

Little did I know life won't be the same, and pain would become a constant rhyme

Letting my dreams and desires take a backseat while I manage to move in robotic motion

And how I miss you as I feel your presence in every moment of my life again and again.

(In memory of my father)

Participating in


  1. This really moved me. The longing and missing are so tough and there is so much love in your words. The last four lines really got me!

    1. This one directly from the heart.If I put myself in a nutshell,I am his reflection.The same hobbies, beliefs and ideology. Still not getting used to his absence. Thank you Sam.

  2. I was 45 years old when my dad died. It's closing in on 10 years ago now. It still doesn't seem real.
    Amazing work with the Acrostic form.

    1. I was 16, when he died in an accident. I am in my 50s and still trying to accept the reality. Not fair..but that is how life is. Thank you for the appreciation, Cara.

  3. So poignantly beautiful, capturing the essence of your relationship.

  4. Wonderful work with the Acrostic, Sunita - and it's such a moving, beautiful tribute to your father.

    1. Acrostic and Blitz are the two forms I am comfortable with.Thank you for the constant support, Shuku :)

  5. so very sorry you lost your dad so young. he sounds like he was a good one.

  6. This line is lovely and heartbreaking..." how I miss you as I feel your presence "

  7. Beautiful. Losing a father is tough.

    1. Thank you Barbara. Yes, it is tough. Still not in a position to believe that he is no more.


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