Sunday, October 11, 2020

My Healers

 Day-11 OctPoWriMo-2020

Prompt: Muse

Form : Free Verse


A pandemic

Crossed path unannounced

And life went haywire

Not ready to accept the change

The mind played games

And finally surrendered 

To the new normal phase.

Went through bouts

Of loneliness and self loathe

Struggled to find some semblance

In the unwanted chaos

Moving through the darkness

Tried to find some hope

In people and sundry things

Alas! Nothing worked!

And then the miracle happened

The muse came knocking 

One  fine morning

With loads of blessings

A few bulbs of life in a box

Sheltered in the dark

Waiting eagerly to see the light

I took them tenderly in my hands

And placed in their home

Where they bloom 

As if they are born free

Glowing in their freedom

I live and find peace

In the little moments

Watching them standing tall

Giving me hope to stay strong

I know I will heal

Once they start flowering

And their fragrance spreads

In every corner of the house.

My mornings are blessed

In the company of my verdant muse.

Participating in :


  1. How wonderful! Writing has really helped during the pandemic.

    1. It has been a catch 22 situation for me.The mood swings are real soul crushers.And the writer block is creating havoc with the body and mind.

  2. Although I am given to self-loathing, this pandemic didn't do that. I'm an introvert in any case. However, trying to grow plants probably would kindle self-loathing, because I have a black thumb.
    ~cie from poetry of the netherworld~

    1. We all have our flaws, Cie. This pandemic has been a life changer. I found solace in the greens. Otherwise life has come to a standstill.


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