Friday, April 30, 2021

Bottled Up

Day-30 NAPOWRIMO-2021

Prompt: Giving directions


One can find 

Different ways to breathe

I know, it is not easy

To breathe in and to breathe out

But, nothing to lose

We can do it together

Suck your tummy in

Don't forget to close

The right nostril

And then

The left one

Take a deep breathe

Inhale and then exhale.

To breathe 

Take the right amount of water

Let it steam.

Don't forget to drop a pinch of turmeric

A few leaves of neem too will do

Now, inhale that concoction

Let your lungs flare up

It gets clogged and rusty

Take a deep breathe

Now stand tall and check

How far you have moved

The lungs feeling the heat...right?

I know the road was a little rough

There were those high cliffs

And to breathe with eyes closed

You feel you are walking

In a dark, shadowy corridor. 

But, there is no other way

To stay alive

One has to breathe

You know how it is

Fear comes without a sound

Death takes away the breathe

But, birth brings it in.

Shall we start again?

I mean breathing to survive!

Participating in :


  1. Nice directions, Sunita. A fall to death on a homebrew high?
    I also particiapated in NaPoWriMo, my Day 30 directions were to Lover's Lane and then some.

    1. Hello Jim.Yes, I did check your Day 30 poem. Thank you for introducing to the new poetry challenge.

  2. April was a labour of love,, Sunita. Happy month of May

    Thanks for dropping by Khaya


    1. It indeed was! Happy month of May to you too. :)


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