Saturday, April 13, 2024




Prompt: To write a ten-line poem where each line begins with the same word. This technique is called "anaphora"

                                                                         Pic: Sunita

If I could see you once more, just to touch you, feel you, and hold your hands;

If you could come back and let me know what made you do what you did;

If there was a way, I could dig up all the debris and find the truth;

If  only you had let me in and shared all that pain rather than surrender;

If I were a little bigger and stronger and had the sense to know the danger;

If there were a magic wand that helped to heal the heart and ease the ache; 

If  you  had dared to face the brunt and not buckle down under the pressure;

If you had not taken the last resort and broken down your fences;

If  I  could turn the clock and bring you back to mend the bridges;

If and many "ifs" are only left to let you know how much is left unsaid...

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024


  1. This is such a beautifully poignant poem. Oh to find that ‘magic wand that helped to heal the heart and ease the ache’!

  2. If and only if is all that we wish. :)


NaPoWriMo-2024 Day-30 Prompt:  Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a ...