Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Mahatma



Prompt: To write a poem that recounts a historical movement.

                                                                      Image: Google

He didn't know what lay ahead

As he boarded the train 

In South Africa

He was a gentleman

Who was on a mission

His clients were waiting

To find justice in the reign of racism

His voice mattered the most

He was an erudite Barrister

He sat in the  coach of the train

Waiting to get to his destination

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door

Two uniformed policemen

Questioned him and asked for his credentials

He showed them like any gentleman would do

The Inner Temple graduate didn't impress their skin

What mattered the most was his color

They caught hold of his collar

And dragged him through the compartment

And threw him out on the platform.

That was the turning point in his life...

This man couldn't digest that insult

He took an oath to show these people

That colored people are also human beings

He was clear now... He sat out to show these racists

Anything is possible if one is truthful to oneself

His single-minded resolution 

To bring the racist empire to its knees

Culminated into many historical events

And paved the path to free a nation

From two hundred years of suppression.

He used two weapons to fight against the aggressors

Truth and Non-violence

The mantra that gave freedom to a nation.

His ideals were so powerful 

It inspired many great leaders

Such as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and others

To find their voices to fight against apartheid 

And to voice their belief in human rights.

"My Experiments with Truth" is a bible for many.

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2024

1 comment:

NaPoWriMo-2024 Day-30 Prompt:  Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with, or compared to, a ...