Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Summer Lullabies

Day-9 NaPoWriMo-2019
Prompt: A prose format.

                                                               my grandparent's house

Houses are like epitaphs,

Every house is a library of human stories.

Their walls echo, a childhood,

Full of happy memories.

One did not have to bother

Where and what life offered

The simplicity of existence

Brought more happiness

In the wrap of simple things

Tomorrow was free of worries.

Today, living in a plush apartment

With every luxury available,

Does not bring, the same joy

That touched the being,

In a house made of mud walls.

Happy summers swirled,

In the rustic courtyard,

Decorated with rangoli,

Splashed with layers of cowdung,

Sheltered by the umbrella of guava, mango, and jackfruit trees.

The fragrant jasmine embracing the fence

The pious basil plant, gracing the entrance.

The increasing Celsius scale

Cannot cool the body

Even by the number of air-conditioners

The cool floor in the childhood memories

Never felt hard,

Sleep touched and soothed

Happily, in its arms.

Fear did not grip

In the courtyard or on the terrace.

Happiness lived within its walls

In the hearts of the kindred souls

Their wants were simple and small.

There is no turning back the clock,

Those things and they are no more,

As life has picked up the race and pace

Only things that remain are the happy memories

Tugging at the heartstrings,

In the age of signing offs.

Participating in : NaPoWriMo-2019


  1. A very emotional poem! Brought tears to my eyes. The pic of your Grandparent's house is very lovely, rustic - this picture is worth a thousand words!
    Every line of your poem is so true - brings out a mixed bag of emotions...even I miss those days of Childhood where life was without fear or worries, we eagerly waited to sleep on terrace during summer time when there was power cut and used to count the stars before sleeping.
    Times have changed!!

    1. We all carry these fond memories.Those happy vacations at grandparents place. Yes, now the kids need a cell phone to while the time.Thank you very much :)


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