Friday, April 12, 2019

Simple Desires

Day-12 NaPoWriMo-2019
Form: A Loop Poem

                                                         my munchkins-Ginu and Laddu

I lead a simple life

Life, where every day crosses

Crosses on a time swing

Swing of mundane life.

My two little companions

Companions who are voiceless

Voiceless only in certain ways

Ways which teach me humble lessons.

A daily routine,

Routine, a monotonous sign

Sign of what is to happen

Happen at regular time.

Significance of nothingness

Nothingness as dust

Dust of a dragging today

Today which leads to an insignificant tomorrow.

Participating in :NaPoWriMo-2019


  1. I'd never heard of a loop poem before. Cool form and of course nice putting to use of it.


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