Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Zoomed In

Day-30 A to Z Challenge 2019
Phew! The last one zeroed on target!

Zooming through a month of weaving words

Zeroed on poetry prompts with shaking hands

Zesty feelings evaporated on the pages

Zenith was the focus on hinges

Zigzaggingly wrote a few lines, sometimes

Zoned on a few lengthy writes

Zonked, zinked, zapped and zeroed on

Zany efforts, faltered midways many times

Zealously stood my ground

Zen moment fiercely achieved.

Participated in: A to Z Challenge 2019


  1. Yeah, congratulations on completing the Challenge! Thank you for your very kind comment, and I hope too to see you next year ;)

    1. Thank you very much. Yes, it was a pleasure to be part of this amazing challenge. Hope to catch up with you next year :)


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