Thursday, April 25, 2019

Verdant Valley

Day-25 NaPoWriMo-2019/A to Z Challenge 2019

Aha! the soul soother awaited long,

Gushed in without warning, a drizzling birdsong,

Ecstatically waltzing, on a musical tune,

An arc of hope shoots in a new dawn.

Mesmerizing, an armour of breathing notes,

Swirled in stealthily, the petrichor,

Streaming, serpentine, silvery showers

Rushed, to embrace the parched earth

Kissing thirstily they serenaded, in

The archaic dance of pagan love

Glowed the horizon with myriad hues.

Celebrating the union of lovers.

Joy in starving belly lips-

How green is my valley?

Participating in: NaPoWriMo-2019 A to Z Challenge 2019


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