Monday, April 22, 2019


Day-22 NaPoWriMo-2019
Prompt: Ekphrastic Poem

                     " Little Italy Scene-NYC" watercolor on paper by  Prasanna Velagala

I remember her tiny hands

The painter, knee-high some summers ago

She drew lines, circles, and squares

Filled them with perfect colors in little splashes and dashes

And slowly, the portraits filled in different shades

The tapestry of her imagination leaps into

Masks, buildings, boughs, and houses

A sudden halt and she bounces back

One fine day, she emerges stronger

We stand shoulder to shoulder

With bolder themes, sunrises, and sunsets

Mature mind encapsulates the essence of the alien lands

I see those images she captures on paper

Sprinkled with a keen eye, a scene, fragrant as home

One of my favorites, the hungry crowd, some other aliens

Bright, colorful under a street light, reminiscing 

The beautiful gardens in their homeland

The Alps and the Pyrenees flowed in their blood

Images, kaleidoscopic from across the ocean

Visits them in their reverie, and a sigh escapes,

The diners wait to feed the strangers

An immigrant embraces another one from a different mother

My little painter captures their expressions, across the street

And fill the blanks with a rainbow of her own heart

(The painter is an old student, who literally grew up in my arms. I am so proud of her. Her observation of the minutest details brings forth a talent which is profound and exceptional. An engineer and painter, she is gifted. I wish her all the success in life)

Participating in :NaPoWriMo-2019


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