Thursday, April 18, 2019

Nipped in the bud

Day-18 NaPoWriMo 2019
Prompt:   (Write an elegy of your own, one in which the abstraction of sadness communicated    not through abstract words, but physical details)

                                                                         image google

Uncoil the old wounds

The weight in the womb

Tiny cells, half breathing

Wailed unseen

Within the walls

"Sleep, my babies"

There is too much pain

You are not wanted

The soft lullabies died in the night

Tears drank the poison

Remorse filled the pages

That image of broken flesh

Ached in the deteriorating cells

A helpless womb moans 

To hug her unborn 

The warm earth awaits her too...

Participating in: NaPoWriMo 2019


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