Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Flavour of Friendship

Day-22 NaPoWriMo 2020
Prompt: Foreign Language Proverbs and Idiomatic Expressions

                                                                           image: google

Thousands of letters
Unsent, flashes in dreams
Dreams of distant shores
An azurine minaret of magical walls.

A cup of flavour evokes
A deep longing
I hear the echo "Come"
The ornate flame mesmerizing
In quotations and legends.

Between the past and present
On the bridge of destiny 
The voice of friendship echoes
" Bir Kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardir"

Turkish Proverb: " Bir Kahvenin kirk yil hatiri vardir"  

 Meaning:  A cup of coffee has a 40-year memory.

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