Saturday, October 20, 2018

Arched Gateways

Day-20 OctPoWriMo-2018
Prompt: Time Stands Still (Form: Minute)

Image: Kishu

The ruins of a shadowy  past
In the arched art
Untold story
Of past glory.

Glories of regal opulence
Roaring romance
Legend of knights
In love's pursuit.

Captured in statues and folktales 
Sea of images 
The sands of time
Engraved in rhyme.


  1. Replies
    1. It is an archway of Jodhpur palace.Story of old wisdom and kingdoms.Thank you Cara :)

  2. The stories and songs are by what we have captured the grandeur of the past. Excellent poem.

    1. Thank you very much Varadha. The moment I saw the prompt, I thought better write on something which we can only imagine. The old ways of prosperous India.

  3. "sands of time engraved in rhyme" is a beautiful line

  4. What a beautiful poem, Sunita! I especially love the first two lines, and how the old arch holds so many stories.

    1. Yes,the old royal splendor hold many stories in its bosom. This fort is famous for its intrigues.Thank you,Shuku, for the appreciation :)


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