Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Notes from the Windowsill

Day-16 NaPoWriMo-2019/A to Z Challenge 2019

                                                                   across my kitchen window

The morning saga begins- 
The ginger tea and its aroma
Fills the kitchen as I stifle a yawn
Pick up my favorite cup, a little chipped
Absently, I search for the filter
I wait for the concoction to boil,
I look outside the kitchen window
That is when my morning starts
A mother dragging her child to school
She is in her printed nightie,
A chunni over her shoulder.
The idli stall is busy, some dosas in the plate
There are  a few vadas prancing in the pan
Those two puppies. almost six months old
The chemist store’s doormat their warm place
I remember when they were born
Shivering in the monsoon winds
There is the music school
A glass door slightly ajar
Yes, I see a few students playing the instruments
A thin strain of violin reaches my ears
That old lady in the adjoining street
Peeling onions and garlic for the lunch
That black Labrador guarding the lane
Never allows the other streets mongrels in its domain
A few schoolchildren boarding an auto rickshaw
Yes, the divider is half  mended and they jump across
The cyclist is not in a hurry,
A few vehicles taking a break as their masters learn music
The jacaranda tree is in bloom behind that pink building
As I squint a little, I  see the flaming flowers of gulmohar too
There are some clothes swinging on the terrace, the summer is good
A little further, on the right side, there is a clamor, a pandemonium of sort
The garbage can is overflowing,
Can see a few swine and canines, fighting over a plastic bag
Lost in my mundane view, I feel something burning
There goes my tea, now the gastove needs a scrub
I am fully awake as I pour water for another cup of tea
I hear a sweet voice in the distant, spring is here.

Participating in : NaPoWriMo-2019


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