Thursday, October 17, 2019


Day-17 OctPoWriMo-2019
Prompt: Family
Form: Kyrielle

                                                                              image: Prasanna

In solitude, I do wonder
Was I an unwanted blunder?
The bonds repel and do not match
We, the rusted door with no latch.

The thickness in the blood vary
Each one has a chip to carry
Time heals and keeps a silent watch
We, the rusted door with no latch.

Those who matter, are not my own
Their affections are deeply sown
Shares laughter and have no grudge
We, the rusted door with no latch.

Participating in : OctPoWriMo-2019


  1. Lovely words. Thank you. Although family means so much to me, like you I don'e have much to do with my own two sisters, which makes me very sad. I would love to be friends with them but life isn't always fair...

    1. Same feelings here, Grams. I wish they would bury the hatchet and start afresh. Well, one cannot force when they are not interested. Thank you for your constant support :)

  2. It is sad when the ties which should bind us, end up gagging us!

    1. Cannot change the situation until and unless we meet on a common ground :)


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