Sunday, October 6, 2019

Blue Sky

Day-6 OctPoWriMo-2019

Prompt: Blue

Form: An Acrostic

                                                                      image: Sunita Prasad

Beyond the horizon  gazes the wooly dancer

Luminated and ensconced in an azurine mirror 

Uhh! The misery of modern gadgets!

Everything in nature is trapped by poles and wires

Signs of a world doomed in a climatic zone

Knotted and crisscrossed, the unicorn is broken

Yearning for those childhood fantasies of clear blue skies with wonder.

Participating in : OctPoWriMo-2019


  1. There are ways to bury wires so they don't blight the sky. Most places don't, which is a pity.

  2. A good actostic.
    It's a form I like when I need constraints. It works.

    1. Thank you, Grams . I attempt this form when pressed for time :)


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